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Ad Astra

​​​​​​​To The Stars

Rewards & Recognition

At Lode Heath School we truly value students 'getting it right'. We look to find every opportunity to reward our students, whether it be for outstanding work in a lesson, amazing homework, showing kindness or a massive range of other positive behaviours.

We use 'credits' to reward students for getting it right, and we give out loads... We have the world-famous sweets trolley which is used by staff to award positive behaviours. At the end of each term, we have an awards hour, where we recognise students who are 'Zero Heroes' as they have no debits or detentions for the term. Each term heads of year have an awards assembly where we again recognise the students that have 'got it right'.

At the end of the academic year we invite parents to celebrate with their children through our awards evening. We have a range of both academic and pastoral awards, which again recognise students who have 'got it right'. This might be for an excellent year in a subject area, outstanding progress in a subject area or a students who 'lives out' our PRIDE values through their actions. Irrelevant of the award name, its shows that out students receive recognition for positive actions.

Lode Heath School recognises the need to reward more of our students, particularly those who demonstrate excellent progress and achievement in their learning. We have introduced a new ‘Colour’ system that aims to recognise individuals who have personally excelled. Subject teachers will nominate candidates who have performed particularly well to be rewarded with ‘School Colours’ at a prestigious special end of year awards assembly. These exclusive colour patches can then be proudly worn on blazers.

Where do your badges go

STAR Students

Alongside the colour system, we are launching our new school motto ‘Ad Astra’. In line with the ethos of the new latin endorsement, which means ‘To The Stars’, we have introduced our ‘Learning, Pride and Character’ educational initiative. Our aim is that every Lode Heath student will display ‘PRIDE’; Participate, Respect, Independence and Determination; by developing these positive attributes of their character. Whilst we understand that there are different levels of academic achievement, these awards search out those with real PRIDE at every level of attainment to receive our new STARS awards. Presented at Bronze, Silver and Gold level, they recognise those who surpass challenging credit thresholds.

Zero Heroes

Whilst School Colours and STARS awards are reserved for those who achieve exceptional personal attainment, Lode Heath wants absolutely everyone to be a ‘Zero Hero’. A Zero Hero is a student that does everything the school asks of them, day-in and day-out throughout a whole term; demonstrating an incredible level of personal dedication and commitment to Lode Heath School and of course themselves. Zero Heroes complete every piece of homework; are never late to school or to a single lesson without a legitimate reason. They arrive with every piece of equipment and PE kit they need and have clearly tried their very best in every lesson... Needless to say that also means they’ve never received a single Debit or Detention during term.

A student who is THIS well behaved, organised and committed across all aspects of their school life truly deserves plaudits for their fantastic achievement and their positive approach. This fastidious approach will be the bedrock of success throughout their educational journey and into their working future. We are very pleased to already count numerous Zero Heroes within our school community. They set a wonderful example for their fellow students. Lode Heath School now challenges EVERY child to join their proud ranks. Your Heroic path is not set in stone and if you’ve had a bit of a ‘wobble’ one term, the start of the next gives you the opportunity to begin again with a clean slate.

Celebrating our Heroes

Zero Heroes will be officially celebrated at the end of each term. At the Christmas Event, they’ll be treated to hot Chocolate Muffins and Cookies. Easter Heroes will of course receive Easter Eggs, whilst Summer Zeroes keep their cool with Ice Cream and Slushies. Every one of these special term-end Zero Hero-only social events will include music and the chance to mix with and get to know other school Heroes. What is more, for those amazing individuals who round off a whole year of zeroes, there will also be extra special awards and badges marking their fantastic achievement. Now big the question is “Will YOU measure up to the Zero Hero challenge?”

Attendance Recognition

Whilst we’d love every student to achieve the Zero Hero clean sweep, one of its most crucial elements is attendance. After all, a student may not pay full attention in class all of the time - but if they’re not there at all, they’re learning nothing 100% of the time! Good attendance is SO important it demands its own rewards:

Cinema Club: At the end of each term, the Form with the best attendance gets to enjoy a great movie of their own choice - with snacks! This is an excellent way to build class teamwork and to reinforce the critical importance of good attendance.

100 Club: Individual Lode Heath students that achieve 100% attendance throughout the year will now receive our prestigious 100 Club badge to display on their blazer with pride.

Recognition postcards

As we hope you already know from experience(!), we regularly send out postcards in praise of individual students. In fact, every member of staff awards them for many, many different reasons! They may come from subject teachers , sent in recognition of excellent achievement, progress and behaviour, or a positive attitude to learning.

They can also be sent out by other staff who may have witness a special act of kindness, or something else that deserves official recognition by Lode Heath... It’s like ‘being mentioned in dispatches’; letting parents and careers know “we HAVE seen it, we ARE pleased, and you should be too!”